Posted at 11:47h
in Stories
Strategic Objective/Outcome 3: Promote physical, psychosocial, spiritual health and well-being of target groups
Sub-priorities: 1) SRHR of adolescents and young people 2) Mental health and psychosocial support 3) Nutrition of under-5 children, adolescent girls and women
Outcome indicators:
- % Of adolescent and young people are aware and access their SRHR and services
- % Of children, young and adults from SUS intervention areas improved well-being by reducing impact of mental and PSS health
- % Of malnutrition of children and mother in SUS intervention reduced
Major Interventions:
- SRHR of adolescents and young people
- Awareness and campaigning
- Awareness raising programme (Maternal-Child-Health)
- School Programme for SRHR
- Empowerment education classes on SRHR
- Campaign against early child-marriage and Kuritis through adolescent groups/SHGs
- Digital Literacy-platform on SRHR awareness
- Youth and child club mobilization-youth including drama, use of social media
- Capacity Development of CSOs, govt and private sector actors on
- Linkages to govt and non-govt services for example health Camp- Prolapse, safe abortion and family planning services
- Evidence-based Policy Advocacy: research, documentation, knowledge management and networking and advocacy
- Media mobilization
3. Mental health and psychosocial support
- Awareness: Story Telling of survivors
- Capacity Development: Training on life skills (ToT-Community Leaders and Youths)
- Service Delivery: PSS counselling services
- Spiritual Camp-Psychosocial Counseling Centers
- Digital platform for youths for Mental Health
- Evidence-based Policy Advocacy, and linkage:
- policy advocacy at all level
- linkages of support services to govt, CSOs and private sector
- Research on Mental Health (Caste & Gender Discrimination-Dalit)
- Nutrition of under-5 children, adolescent girls and women
- Critical Awareness:
- Community Kitchen Teaching
- Local nutritional food catalog (Musahar and Chepang)
- Food festival in partnership public and private sectors
- Capacity Development of govt and non govt stakeholders
- Service Delivery: Kitchen Gardening support
- Evidence-based Policy Advocacy and Linkage
- Linkages of social security/government services
- Research and documentation
- Research on nutritional status, food security
- Best practice documentation