SUS believes that investment in education and health is important for human capital which impacts positively on the income of a person and his/her family, and the improved education and health help families escape from some of the vicious circle of poverty in which they are trapped. SUS integrates education and health interventions and implements in the same families as these two are closely related to each other. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is also an embedded issue for a better return on health as well as education, and therefore, the WASH initiatives of SUS complements education and health-related results. SUS seeks to empower its target communities through the implementation of educational activities. SUS engages and motivates parents for their children’s education, provide scholarships to needy children/youths for achieving quality education and vocational training, and collaborates with schools and local governments for implementing educational rights of targeted children. In order to increase access to health, it supports and works for improving community health and nutrition, and communities’ access to safe drinking water. The awareness-raising and community mobilization for sanitation and hygiene promote tangible changes in the communities.